Monday, October 7, 2013


^ Made that the title to force myself not to waste your time any further.

no, ya goof, i'm not sunburned! i'm just
wearin' my orange raincoat! #jcpenneys
(this was on my way to my 1st day of work!)
i have a job!
(that calls for the big font)

[Also, if you don't read it all, at least get to the end! There's some meaty stuff there.]

So the Lord is incredibly faithful & even though I know that so fully, He continues to keep blowing me away with more faithfulness. So as I kind of mentioned a couple posts ago, as of June/July/August, I began applying for NY jobs from TX. Tricky task. I applied to dozens of companies with journalism-related job openings, and blindly emailed out my resume to about 2 dozen more. (Which I totally do not regret - the act of seeking out companies that do the kind of editorial work that I find to be so cool caused me to expand my knowledge about some of the amazing companies & organizations out there. And I kind of wish I could work for all of them!!) But anyway, I literally didn't hear from any of them. Except one. And it was a rejection. Gotta be honest - I appreciated that rejection, ha! I was like, okay thank you for being considerate enough to allow me to check you off my list!

an insta from this summer - this looked like
my morning almost everyday! #jobgrind

But needless to say, around mid-August, I was feeling pretty confused & a little panicked. Up until that point, I had huge hopes that the Lord was going to plop the perfect part-time/freelance copyediting position in my lap that would allow me to make my own hours & audition all the while. IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH? ;) But anyway, somehow I still never had any doubts that this was truly where the Lord wanted me to be, so I kept moving forward. I eventually came to terms with the fact that I'd start applying for some fams with nannying needs & find a schedule that would allow for auditions. And truly, for actors in NYC, that is not a bad plan anyway! And in addition to nannying, I always hear actors saying that if you're really good at something, you should teach it. There is almost no better job for an actor than getting paid on their own schedule to teach dance/swimming/voice/math, you name it! So that was looking like a viable option.

By the time I moved here, I had joined,, & a few other nannying sites. I had already started to chat with a few moms, and I was getting kind of excited! But then, the day of my second audition, Rachel & I were headed back to the Actors' Equity building when I got a call.

it was a blocked number.

(haha I know that wasn't dramatic enough for a font change...but whatever, it's my blog ;) But for real, it was a blocked number. I answered hoping it had something to do with the audition, but instead, it was a guy named Tom. Tom is the most relaxed phone-talker I have ever encountered. I, on the other hand, am always StResSiN' on the phone. (I always say I'll know the guy I'm supposed to marry when I actually enjoy phone calls with that person. I'll let you know when that happens.) Anyway, long story short, Tom works for a sports company called PSP (Professional Sports Publications), and I had apparently applied for a part-time position earlier that summer...Truth be told, I don't even remember that! When he said "PSP," I embarrassingly had to respond with, "Umm...who?" So anyway, he said they had a position they'd like to interview me for, but one problem: it was full-time. Had I wanted a full-time job, my job search would've looked totally different. But nonetheless, Tom convinced me to come in for an interview, and BONUS - it was in the previously mentioned it was only 7 blocks from my place!

So basically, the interview was great, and Tom totally helped me make my decision. He noticed my BFA & asked if I moved to NYC for theatre. I told him I wanted to be completely honest with him (I figured since I didn't even seek this job out, I really had nothing to lose!) & that theatre was my ultimate passion. But I also told him that I also had a passion for writing & copyediting & would be thrilled to make a living doing those things. (And I meant it! ... Still do!) Well, Tom is awesome, & he told me that he used to work for, so he totally understood my love for theatre. He also said that since my position would be paid hourly, if I wanted to attend an audition every once in awhile, "we might be able to work something out." Is the Lord awesome or IS THE LORD AWESOME?

^^ Heard that! After my interview, I called my mom (always my first step after any major life moment;) and I knew my decision was already made. It was so obvious that this job was straight from the Lord that I almost just had to laugh. Usually, I am one to strive & stress over big decisions (or even what I'm going to eat for lunch), but this one was so easy. I simply told my mom, "Well, he said he would let me know by next week. But I'm pretty sure I just found my new job." Haha! He was nice enough to give me the weekend to think it over, & I emailed him the very next day! He gave me a call on Tuesday offering me the job, & just like that... Tom was my new boss! (If you're reading this then heeyyyy Tommmm!) My favorite part of that phone call: Tom asked if I had any more questions, I asked about the dress code, he said: "I mean...just don't wear shorts..." And then I asked him if there was anything else I needed to know, and he said: "Well, you might want to bring your own water bottle. We don't have a very good water system here!" Haha, to which I replied: "Ooohhh, good to know..." Needless to say, Tom is awesome, and I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a gracious, understanding "first real boss"! (Thanks, Tom!) And my work environment is more relaxed & stress-free than I ever thought was possible...just what I needed!

So anyway,

i have a job!

The best sidewalk pic I could get on my
first day as an emplooyyeeddd lady! 

But real talk, it is so crazy to look back on even just these past 4 weeks & realize how much I don't know. Every time I try to plan my own future, the Lord is so quick to remind me how funny it is that I try to make my own plans. But He doesn't do it in a "I'm the Creator of the universe, so I can rip the rug out from under you" kind of way... He always directs my steps in the sweetest, most gracious way that is so specific to the needs of my heart that I didn't even know I had. Now that I am 3 weeks deep in my job, I realize more & more how my plans could not have worked any other way. I needed this job, & how silly of me to think it could've been any other way! The Lord always knows what we need, and sometimes it hurts & sometimes it takes awhile to realize it was what we needed...but sometimes the Lord allows you to realize it sooner rather than later, and for that I am thankful. 

okay, but what is your job?

Haha, sorry. I work for Professional Sports Publications as a copyeditor. They create several football/basketball/baseball/hockey publications & magazines, and are mainly in charge of creating the thick programs that you get at several college & professional sports games & bowl games. During football season, the flood of work gets pretty crazy, so they hire someone as a copyeditor (me!) to cover all of the overarching proofreading, copywriting, small design tasks, etc. So basically, I am learning a ton! It is a great first job where journalism is concerned! Because I'm here mainly for football season, my position typically ends around January-February - which is when heavy auditioning season begins! I say it again - IS GOD FAITHFUL? ("Yeah! Totally, Kelsey! Amen!")

So 7 days later, I walked to 36th street, went up to the 25th floor, & started my job! As much as my dad tries to convince me that I inherited his common sense, I am well aware that this is just not the case. So luckily for me, Tom & all my co-workers have been so gracious in teaching me all that I need to know, and helping me realize that this job will be the perfect foundational job for (hopefully) future jobs in this same field! (But for real... I am so hesitant to do anything wrong in this job that I couldn't even allow myself to take a lunch break for 2 whole days. It felt like too much freedom!)

Lunch: day 1. This is not a joke. #clifbar

^ Literally never left my desk that day til 6pm. Yes...I am actually that pathetic. I could laugh out loud thinking about some of the things Tom has had to teach me. To name a few: "Kelsey, you don't have to take 15-minute lunch breaks. You get a full hour, & I can't take that away from you." Or the time that I came in just to let him know I was taking a lunch break... Tom: "Oh...okay. Yeah, you know, you don't have to let me know! But thanks for checking in!" Haha poor guy...sorry, Tom! But I'd like to think I've done a few things right, and it feels pretty good to be in a job where I feel like I truly know what I'm doing, and in fact, I feel like, heck! I'm actually pretty good at it! 

It's also funny because I would always tell my mom that even though I am desperately passionate about having a life in the theatre industry (& I still am. Don't get me wrong. And I know I'll get there.) there was always something SO APPEALING to me about working a 9-5 (or 9-6) office job. This summer, I was even with my old roomie & great pal Ann Simmons (who is currently "special assistant to President Ken Starr" what upppp! talk about a 9-5 job, sheesh!) and asked her, "Is it kind of nice to have a job where you're able to have sort of a daily routine?" Well, Ann's answer was a little muddy hahaha but nonetheless, I suppose God was listening to my plea.


So what about theatre?
I know, I know... I guess that was my biggest question in all this: How can I commit to something that keeps me from theatre? And even though it's confusing, I know it's one of those questions I'll understand really soon, so somehow, I'm not even worried about it. Before moving here, a few theatre friends and I would always talk about how we kind of know there has to be a struggle before you can feel like you deserve the prize. I mean, I realize there are exceptions (ehem, Laura Osnes. ehem, Corey Cott) and that's amazing! But in this weird, potentially silly way, I'm kind of excited that I'm already getting to work for it. Because the sooner I can work for it, the sooner I can feel like maybe I deserve it, and then maybe just maybe my time will come. At this point, I've done nothing to earn a place here in the "Great White Way," but starting 3 weeks ago, I began the plunge, & I'm gonna work my tail off until that time comes or until God chooses to lead me to another adventure! And I cannot wait to talk about this weekend's Hillsong Conference because there could not have been a more impactive affirmation from the Lord. I am so passionate about the work God is doing in this city & the revolution that has begun here, and even though my heart longs to bring that breakthrough into the theatre industry, I am just excited beyond belief to be involved in God's work here in any capacity. God has lit a fire in me for His purpose in this city, and I think it might be a while before it burns out. I know big things are coming. And I know I've got to start with being faithful right where I am!  

So, anyway, there's that. Thanks for hanging in there. Basically, I'm loving my job so far, and I feel really blessed. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, and I really, really, really am. (Alekza literally just said out loud, #mycuprunnethover - "hashtag" included - read my mind, sister.) She also just said, "God is so abundant. It's like He's showing off. Like, 'dream a little bigger, sista!'"

I'm tellin' ya - we. feel. blessed.

This is just us...feelin' blessed...
(wanted to break up the monotony with some pics;)

Hope you feel thoroughly caught up by this point, & thanks for sticking with me!

Your newly employed New Yorker (or as my co-workers would say: "new yohr-kah"),


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new job! Yeah God!
Carrie and Brent Blake

Jessica said...

Yeah, have I mentioned that I'm basically like stalking your blog? Love. It.

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